
​Dear Actor, Dear Actress

The National Insurance Institute and the Israel Actors Guild ("Shaham") are glad give you information about your rights at the National Insurance Institute.

An artist involved in artistic or entertainment performance, or directing the show, including acting, singing and the like, as well as in artistic performance related to recording and filming, who has an employment agreement for a 3 months period or for a series of at least 5 performances, will be regarded as a salaried employee by the National Insurance.

The artist will be entitled to all benefits granted to salaried employees, such as unemployment benefit, maternity allowance, work injury allowance, employee's rights in bankruptcy and corporate liquidation of the employer, and more. 

Under National Insurance Law, the place where the artist is performing shall deduct national and health insurance contributions from his wage, and transfer those insurance contributions to the National Insurance Institute, including the shares of both employer and employee.

Entitlement to unemployment benefit

One of the conditions of entitlement to unemployment benefit is the requirement of a work period of at least 12 months over the 18 months preceding unemployment. Besides, you have to report to the offices of Employment Service immediately upon the termination of your employment. For your information, the number of entitled days of unemployment benefit varies in accordance with the actor's age and how many children he has.

Submitting a claim for unemployment benefit

To receive unemployment benefits a claim for unemployment benefits must be submitted.

A salaried actor who holds salary slips will attach to the claim a certificate from his employer regarding the termination of his employment. The actor who fails to declare himself as a salaried employee and does not possess any salary slips shall attach to the claim the following authorizations:

  • Authorization from the place where he performs, including details regarding the number of months of employment and amount of monthly wage.
  • A statement, with his signature, detailing his period of employment, work place and ground of employment termination.
  • In case of temporary work break - a statement about estimated return date is to be attached.

At your disposition a simulator in order to assess your entitlement to unemployment benefits and the amount to which your are entitled.

Entitlement to pregnancy bed rest benefit and maternity allowance

Entitlement to a pregnancy bed rest benefit and maternity allowance is conditioned upon accruing a qualifying period (months you were working, and national and health contributions were paid on your behalf).

Submitting a claim for pregnancy bed rest or maternity allowance

To receive the benefit a claim for maternity allowance or pregnancy bed rest benefit must be submitted.

An authorization from the place where you did perform, including details regarding the number of months of employment and amount of monthly wage, must be attached to the claim.

At your disposition a simulator in order to assess your entitlement to unemployment benefits and the amount to which your are entitled.

Insurance contributions return to those registered as self-employed

If the place where you perform did deduct national and health insurance contributions from your income which has also been reported to Income Tax - you have to contact the Insurance and Collection Department of the National Insurance Institute, with a Income Tax Form 857, in order to avoid being liable to insurance contributions on that income. This way, you will avoid the risk of having to pay insurance contributions twice on the same income.

For your information,

  • The rights of an actor qualified as salaried employee under national insurance law, will apply to an actor whether he is a member of Shaham or not, and in accordance with the conditions of entitlement to similar NII benefits.
  • Full requirements in order to be recognized as a salaried employee are set forth in section 13 of the Ordinance on insureds classification and employers determination under national insurance law.
  • If your employer does not pay insurance contributions on your behalf, your are asked to approach the Insurance and Collection Department of the your local NII branch nearest to your place of residence, with all documents attesting that you have performed as an artist. These documents can be sent via the website as well.